Overcoming Potential Age Bias with Pat Cross - 01:29:00
Age bias, also known as age discrimination, is real for job seekers over 40.
Are you concerned that age bias may be a challenge you will face in your job search? This webinar will address strategies for experienced candidates that can position you for success in your job search. We’ll discuss:
Multigenerational workforce in the workplace
Why age bias can exist and what employers fear about older job seekers
Common mistakes experienced job seekers make
Why the positive attributes older employees have that are good for business
Soft and hard skills in demand for today’s jobs
Trending industries and future jobs landscape, including list of 20 companies with flexible jobs for older workers
Skills-based hiring
Career management strategies for professionals
Actionable and proven job search strategies including tips on de-aging resumes, interviewing, how to handle the “first impression” interview situation, social media, and networking
Pat Cross, M.A.Ed., brings over 15 years experience facilitating workshops and coaching individuals in successful job search. She has worked with individuals at all levels, from new college graduates to senior and C-Suite level executives. Pat is a frequent speaker at professional networking meetings and at corporate training events as workshop facilitator on talent development and retention, career management and professional development for corporations, non-profit organizations, government and public agencies.